Everything is political - even jazz! In "Jazz & Politics in Pathos", polemic meets trombone, satire meets saxophone. On May 14, the latest episode will be recorded live in the courtyard - with sharp wit, clever thoughts and rousing live music. Be there when words and sound merge! You can then stream the episode everywhere on May 16.
With Benedikt Paulun, Christine Hamel, Tobias Krone and live music by Cico Beck. Moderation and editing, concept, design of the podcast Lukas Hammerstein
Lukas Hammerstein born 1958 in Freiburg im Breisgau, studied law (and philosophy), passed both state examinations in law... Spent several years in Rome and Vienna, now lives in Munich. Writer and journalist. For 20 years he presented the political feature program "Jazz&Politik" every Saturday on Bayern2. Literary publications most recently "Video" or "Wo wirst du sein", novels, S. Fischer, and "Die Guten und das Böse, ein Deutschlandessay", Matthes & Seitz Berlin. Plays, most recently "Natur, eine grüne Komödie". In March 2025, "Geschwister Eichmann" will premiere at Theater Oberhausen.
Date of live recording: Wed, 14.05. | 18:00
Location: PATHOS theater
Tickets: Pay as you wish (0-30 €)
Dates online: Fri, 02.05.+ Fri,16.05.
Location: Digital stage
Tickets: free of charge
Supported by the Edith and Werner Rieder Foundation.
Price information:
0-30 € Recommendation: 20 €