PHOTO: © Stiftung Humboldt Forum im Berliner Schloss / Giuliani von Giese

Jenseits der Norm? Ein queerer Blick auf Geschlechter und Sexualitäten in der ethnologischen Sammlung. Führung in Deutscher Gebärdensprache

In the organizer's words:

The dialogical tour in German sign language through the new presentation of the Ethnological Museum's collections will give you an insight into a variety of gender roles, forms of relationships and sexualities around the globe.

Social norms, initiation rituals and dealing with the respective other behavior are illuminated. It also highlights colonial collecting practices and research and critically examines the establishment of gender narratives in the museum context.

- free of charge, no ticket required

- from 14 years

- German sign language


- max. 20 persons

- Belongs to: Ethnological Collections and Asian Art

This content has been machine translated.


Humboldt Forum Schloßplatz 10178 Berlin

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