...I was probably just plowing the sea."
a rigorosum sondershausen
This title of Jochen Malmsheimer's new program goes back to Simon Bolivar, who, if you want to believe the internet - and far too many people do - lived with Jean Paul Sartre for a long time. But perhaps it was also Simone Signoret who lived with Sartre.
Or perhaps Sartre lived alone, but constantly in the boudoire.
Or maybe Sartre didn't live with anyone, except perhaps a Beaujolais and a few tokens. Gitanes.
Who can say? And, above all, why?
There are no elands, bromeliads or other sweet grasses in this morning-empty but evening-long program because they are, quite rightly, strictly protected. In addition to all sorts of other peculiarities, the program deals with the fundamental error of cycling, the rarity of art, its mysterious relationship to the moon and other big and medium-sized questions, and does so very rigorously.
But as always and everywhere, the same applies here:
Only the wind knows what really happens!