Bonjour and kisses left, kisses right, Johannes Floehr's new program is here! Youpi! An evening so cheeky that you won't tell your grandchildren about it. Johannes Floehr has always been a byword for good fun and Dadaist amusement. As varied as Haribo Colorado, as iconic as the Eiffel Tower and comedy on a tolerable scale. Or cabaret, as the case may be. And none of it is preachy, because the likeable two-meter man is simply not clever enough for that. But that's not a bad thing. He will be reading from his four books, some of which have long since become cult in his family, and there will also be stand-up, improvisations, multimedia support and humor à la cordon bleu. Not as revolutionary as the storming of the Bastille, but funnier. | |
Price information: |
B.O. 23,- €/ 17,- € (reduced) / VVK 18,- € / 13 € (reduced) (+fees). |