A racist sentence in a school essay. As soon as she wants to start the red pencil, she falters. Hasn't she heard that on the radio before? So she leaves the sentence as it is, because what someone says on the radio, no teacher is allowed to cross out in the exercise book. And as she continues to read, she can always hear the radio: it howls, it barks, it barks, it threatens - and the newspapers reprint it, and the children copy it ...
In the midst of the worldwide rise of right-wing parties, Horváth's novel takes on frightening relevance. Director Markolf Naujoks takes an unsparing look at a society in transition and poses the question of individual responsibility at a time when the values of peaceful coexistence are under threat.
Here you can find the content notes for the play.
Cast Janine D'Aragona, Peter Stephan Herff
Production, stage & music Markolf Naujoks
Video & Costume Theda Schoppe
Dramaturgy Anna Stegherr
Theater pedagogy Sterica Rein
Assistant directors Aybüke Kara, Kian Najarajampour
Production assistant Ella Wiesenhöfer
Student voices Aybüke Kara, Kian Najarajampour
Duration approx. 2 hours incl. intermission
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