The first artists have been announced! More episodes soon! MORE INFOS SOON!
🎟️Tickets: https://www.ticketticker.de/index.php/page/show/event/05042025-klangwelten-das-indoor-paradies
💥Omiki 💥Ranji 💥Fabio Fusco 💥Sajanka
💥Babalos💥Reqmeq 💥NOK 💥Maramba
💥Henrique Camacho💥Acid Combo
💥Gotalias 💥Dark Jochen 💥Carlo Kalu
💥Liquexx💥Ben Parker 030 💥Zytrin
💥 Ania 💥 Ally💥 LoDran💥 RTXN
💥 Aspect 💥Jonexx 💥Freezo 💥 Psytrax
💥 JSN496 💥 Dakuma 💥 Isy 💥 Aimo
The Speed Floor
➖Henrique Camacho
➖Acid Combo
➖Dark Jochen
Ultimate Stage
➖Carlo Kalu
➖Ben Parker030
Colorful Stage 🔻 Progressive Goa
👉Psy Floor
Phantasia Stage
➖ LoDran
➖ Dakuma
➖ Isy
➖ Atlantes
Aftermovie: https://youtu.be/CE_NOMLLILc
On 05.04.2025 the most popular party of Klangwelten will start again at Aladin! We'll party with you until the early hours of the morning!
Get ready for Northern Germany's biggest Goa / Psy Indoor, the Klangwelten Indoor Paradise!
As usual, with a really big line-up in a class of its own and 6 floors. Including 2 big mainfloors and 4 smaller ones where we offer Progressive | Psytrance | Forest | Hitech | Hardtechno & Techno. There will be something for everyone in the scene! We book several international & national headliners + the best deco teams for you to make the evening an unforgettable highlight for you as usual.
You can also look forward to a mega laser show and a big sound system! The Aladin will be equipped with Meyer Sound, a system you won't soon forget. The other floors will be equipped by K-W Veranstaltungstechnik, among others, to get the best out of the smaller floors for you. Immerse yourself in the world of sound with us and experience a wonderful psychedelic journey!
Klangwelten the indoor paradise On April 5th Klangwelten's most popular party will start again at Aladin! Get ready for Northern Germany's largest Goa / Psy Indoor!
As usual with a really thick line up of the extra class and 6 floors. Including 2 large main floors and 4 smaller ones with following genres: progressive | Psytrance | Forests | Hitech | minimal & techno. There will be something for everyone from the scene! We book several international & national headliners + the best decoration teams for you to make the evening an unforgettable highlight for you as usual.
You can also expect a mega laser show and a big sound system! The Aladin is equipped with Meyer Sound, a system that you will not soon forget. The other floors will be equipped by K-W Event Technology, among others, in order to get the best out of the smaller floors for you. Dive into the world of sound with us and experience a wonderful psychedelic journey! All acts + decoration teams will be announced in the near future! Be curious and agree so that you don't miss any further information!
✴️Henrique Camacho | 🇧🇷
▶ -https://www.facebook.com/henriquecamachodj
▶ -https://soundcloud.app.goo.gl/cPNuauxZy2Nuv64A9
✴️Sajanka | Danza | 🇮🇱
▶ -https://www.facebook.com/SajankaMusic
▶ - https://soundcloud.app.goo.gl/yU42Epz8wJ91zyas7
✴️Omiki I Spintwist I Israel
▶ -https://www.facebook.com/omikimusic/
▶ -https://soundcloud.com/omikimusic
✴️Ranji | Blue Tunes Rec | 🇮🇱
▶ -https://www.facebook.com/RANJI.OFFICIAL/
▶ - https://soundcloud.com/ranji
✴️Fabio Fusco | Spin Twist Records | EN
▶ - https://www.facebook.com/FabioFuscoMusic/
▶ - https://soundcloud.com/djfabio
✴️Babalos | Switzerland |🇨🇭
▶ -https://www.facebook.com/babalosmusic/
▶ -https://m.soundcloud.com/babalos
▶ -https://www.instagram.com/maramba00?igsh=MWF1cHpiN2xicXplNw==
▶ -https://www.instagram.com/gotalien_ukauka?igsh=cW1zZmxnMGxxaW5l
✴️Liquexx I Soundscapes | Blue Tunes
▶ -https://m.facebook.com/Liquexxmusic/
▶ -https://soundcloud.com/liquexx
▶ -https://www.instagram.com/acidcombo?igsh=eDFxNHM5bjd2bTls
▶ -https://www.instagram.com/reqmeq.music?igsh=ODhleXp5ZHNudTFv
✴️Dark Jochen
▶ -https://www.instagram.com/dark_jochen?igsh=YnM4Y2djOWUxNGh6
✴️NOK | Blue Tunes Rec | 🇩🇪
▶ -https://www.facebook.com/noksound/
▶ -https://soundcloud.com/nok-galactika
✴️Carlo Kalu
▶ -https://on.soundcloud.com/SDqYYwFhPvsgx39YA
▶ -https://instagram.com/carlokalumusic?igshid=NzZhOTFlYzFmZQ==
▶ -https://instagram.com/zytrin_?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==
▶ -https://on.soundcloud.com/BW6EDz3cUvmBtPx17
✴️Ben Parker 030
▶ -https://www.instagram.com/benparker030.official?
▶ - https://on.soundcloud.com/xZX79vDbfDED9nbU8
▶ -https://on.soundcloud.com/29q3VQpWz9jzXgZs8
▶ https://www.instagram.com/ania_wav?igsh=MWloY2pwbzI0Y3VxaA==
▶ https://www.instagram.com/sound.of.ally?igsh=OGhrMXMzbzUxb2k1
▶ https://www.instagram.com/lodran_music?igsh=MTkydWI0cHZtM2psYQ==
▶ https://www.instagram.com/rtxn.music?igsh=eDFxeDB2MzNjcmlp
▶ https://www.instagram.com/aspect.wave?igsh=b2Z1ZDAycTM4YXls
✴️JSN 496
▶ https://www.instagram.com/aspect.wave?igsh=b2Z1ZDAycTM4YXls
▶ https://www.instagram.com/isy_music.hh?igsh=NGVpanBybDN0b3B1
▶ -https://instagram.com/d.jonex?igshid=NzZhOTFlYzFmZQ==
✴️Freezo | Klangwelten Bremen | 🇩🇪
► https://www.facebook.com/freezo.official/
▶ -https://www.facebook.com/Dakuma.official
▶ -https://on.soundcloud.com/qtjfJvkvW2NXiMM29
▶ -https://www.instagram.com/e_imo_music?igshid=YTQwZjQ0NmI0OA==
✖️1.ALADIN ✖️Progressive
✖️2.TIVOLI ✖️Hitech
✖️3.ROADHOUSE ✖️Hardtechno
✖️4.GARDEN ✖️Proggy
✖️5.Partypoint ✖️Psytrance
✖️6. Café ✖️Chill
VIP ⬇️
Welcome Drink
🍉 **Experience our fresh fruit buffet at the rave!
Hey ravers! 🎉🌟
To enrich our night full of beats and good vibes, we are happy to offer you a spectacular **fruit buffet**! Enjoy a colorful selection of fresh fruits that are perfect to give you the energy you need for a night of partying!
**🌈 What to expect:**
- **Refreshing variety:** From juicy 🍓 strawberries and 🍌 bananas to exotic 🍍 pineapples, 🥭 mangoes and 🍊 oranges - there's something for everyone!
- **Energy boost:** Our crunchy fruits are the perfect snack to keep you dancing and energized during the rave!
- **Creative presentation:** Be inspired by the colorful and vibrant presentation of our fruit variations - a feast for the eyes and the palate!
**✨ Why our fruit buffet at your rave?
- **Healthy and delicious:** The perfect way to stay fresh and energized while you dance the night away!
- **Ideal party snack:** Generates the right energy to dance the night away on the dance floor and make new friends.
- **Community spirit:** Come together, enjoy the fresh delicacies and celebrate the love of music and good food!
★★★★★ Specials★★★★★
👉On 6 floors
👉International headliners
👉National acts
👉2 Large mainfloors
👉Shopping mile with many stalls
👉Laser show
👉Fog show
👉Bass show
👉Meyer Sound
👉K-W event technology