Performance by: Liza Baliasnaja & Vera Boitcova
The performance explores the relationship between hospitality and fear. A politicization of the situation of hosting and being hosted: the work reflects on how violence in the context of migration can appear as kindness when we "enter other countries" and are treated as good or bad guests. KNOCK-KNOCK-KNOCK is influenced by Slavic folk horror stories and uses camouflage as a performative strategy.
The performance explores the relaa- tionship between hospitality and fear. A politicization of the situation of hosting and being hosted: the work reflects on how violence in the context of migra- tion can appear as kindness when we "enter other countries" and are treated as good or bad guests. KNOCK-KNOCK-KNOCK is influenced by Slavic folk horror stories and uses camouflage as a performative strategy.
Note: Seating available for people with limited mobility. Use of horror images, blood-like liquids and bass sounds. Note: Seating available for people with limited mobility. Using horror images, blood-like liquids and bass tone sounds.