Wrucke, Rapünzchen, Gelbe Rüben, Kerbelrübe and co:
Who still knows the traditional names and varieties of our vegetables? To kick off the gardening season, we are combining the flea market with a garden chat. After all, gardening and cooking have always gone hand in hand. The garden book collection offers an insight into over 120 years of gardening, growing, harvesting and processing flowers, vegetables and herbs.
NABU Dortmund's gardening team will be present with Brigitte Bornmann-Lemm and will be happy to answer questions about organic cultivation methods or the design of insect-friendly gardens and balconies. We will show examples of successful beds and talk about tips and tricks for the home. Cookbooks on garden vegetables and kitchen herbs will be available from the double stock.
Anyone who finds what they are looking for can purchase a book for a small donation to the Henriette-Davidis-Gesellschaft e. V., which supports the museum.
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