In the organizer's words:

"Empathy and resistance" - Literature LIVE book premiere

Especially in times of crisis, it is important to have a clear moral compass, to know your values and to stand by them. Feminist activist and political influencer Kristina Lunz is convinced that empathy and resistance are helpful levers for finding your stance, showing humanity and shaping change. What initially sounds like a pair of opposites fits perfectly in these difficult times and is the key to social, cultural and political progress.

Based on personal impressions, experiences and thoughts, Kristina shows how we can work towards a fairer world and what each individual can do to achieve this. She explains how to develop a political stance for yourself and remain true to it even in the face of headwinds - but at the same time be open to adapting your stance if the arguments are convincing. Because anything else would not be value-based, but pure ideology.

"Empathy and Resistance" will be published by Ullstein Verlag on October 17, 2024.

This content has been machine translated.


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