by Roland Schimmelpfennig
Director: Karin Beier
After the end of Pentheus and the seizure of power by Labdakos, another grandson of Kadmos, a time of violent excesses begins in Thebes. Finally, Laius, the son of Labdakus, is brought back from exile and enthroned. But he does not come alone; the young Chrysippus from Pisa accompanies him. Is he the reason for the childlessness of the new royal couple Laios and Iokaste or is it the oracle of the seer Pythia? The next creature appears at the gates of the city: the Sphinx, an animal creature consisting of a lion, a woman and a bird, which drives the city singing and mysteriously into murderous madness. In a highly poetic and multi-perspective monologue, which allows the various characters and myths about Oedipus' father to have their say, the production explores the question of what could have motivated the couple Laius and Iocaste to father an offspring despite the religious prohibition. How much responsibility do the parents bear for the fate of their child Oedipus, whom they wanted to make disappear in the mountains immediately after birth? How much guilt is passed on from generation to generation and how much freedom does the individual have to free themselves from it?
Invited to the Berlin Theatertreffen 2024, the Heidelberg Stückemarkt 2024 and the Mülheim Theatertage 2024.
In the annual survey conducted by the critics of "Theater heute" magazine, the Deutsches SchauSpielhaus was named "Theater of the Year", Lina Beckmann "Actress of the Year", "Laios - ANTHROPOLIS II" (director: Karin Beier) "Production of the Year", "Laios" (by Roland Schimmelpfennig) "Play of the Year" and Sybille Meier "Dramaturg of the Year" in the 2023-24 season.
With: Lina Beckmann
Director: Karin Beier
Stage: Johannes Schütz
Costumes: Wicke Naujoks
Music: Jörg Gollasch
Light: Annette ter Meulen
Video: Voxi Bärenklau Voxi Bärenklau
Collaboration stage: Anna Wörl
Collaboration costumes: Teresa Heiß
Dramaturgy: Sybille Meier
Further information: Laios | Deutsches Schauspielhaus Hamburg