Talk with Marlen Hobrack about music, subculture and society, moderated by Julia Boxler
The exhibition "Heavy Metal in the GDR" takes a look at the heavy metal scene as well as music and youth culture in the GDR and East Germany. Heavy metal is more than just music - it is an expression of protest and longing for freedom, but also part of the commercial music business and an instrument of social demarcation.
Author and journalist Marlen Hobrack is a metal fan and writes about class and classism, feminism and East Germany, among other things. In her non-fiction debut "Klassenbeste" (Hanser Berlin 2022), she sheds light on the East German working class from a female perspective. She talks to Julia Boxler about the connection between heavy metal and social class, about differences in the West German and East German scenes and about how origin influences access to certain cultures and subcultures.
Marlen Hobrack (*1986 in Bautzen) writes for various journals and magazines, including Der Freitag, Literarische Welt, Berliner Zeitung, Spiegel, taz, EMMA, Monopol and August.
Julia Boxler (*1996 in Kazakhstan) works transdisciplinary in journalism, film and podcasting with a focus on cultural forms of expression and social structures. She co-founded X3, the first German podcast on "postost" identities, and is a member of the Arte Tracks East team.
The exhibition "Heavy Metal in the GDR" can be visited before the event and is open until 7 pm.
Free admission, registration required.
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