Lesebühne Hamburger ZIEGEL

You cannot miss this event.
In the organizer's words:

For more than 30 years, ZIEGEL, the Hamburg Yearbook of Literature, has been a unique anthology in the German-speaking world in terms of both scope and quality: a thick, beautifully designed book and a highly entertaining read that brings together the city's best authors! Since the summer of 2005, the Hamburger ZIEGEL reading stage has been just as versatile. Local heroes and exciting newcomers present their best texts from the ZIEGEL in the summery HafenCity, while special guests from abroad whet the appetite for their brand new books or bring along another form of literature in the form of great song lyrics.

This June and August, the curious and those interested in literature are once again cordially invited to two entertaining open-air readings in an evening harbor atmosphere - this time with music, Elbe and Elphi views!

Award-winning writers such as Kristine Bilkau, Anselm Neft, Christian Maintz and others will have a home game on the Strandkai on June 29, while songwriter Hannes Wittmer, who has won awards for his lyrics, will be making a special trip and bringing his guitar and his new album "Sag es allen Leuten" to the Waterkant.

On August 31, Herbert Hindringer, the great bestselling crime novelist and journalist Simone Buchholz and, as a special guest, the very funny, well-known chef, author and food journalistStevan Paul will be reading from his new novel "Die Kichererbsen der Señora Dolores", which will be published in September. It's going to be good!

We are looking forward to the 19th year of the Hamburger ZIEGEL reading stage and great guests on the most beautiful river in the world!

Organizer: Literaturkontor Hamburg

The Literaturkontor Hamburg has been organizing open-air readings for adults as part of the "elbsommer" programme since 2005 with the "Lesebühne Hamburger Ziegel".

This content has been machine translated.

Organizer | Event Series

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