In the organizer's words:

As part of the Berlin Family Night 2024 in cooperation with the international literature festival berlin (ilb)

What should never be missing on a long night?
Of course, storytelling!

The Theater an der Parkaue is once again taking part in the 14th Berlin Family Night. We invite young and old to a shared reading journey. On this night, actors from the ensemble will read children's books from the program of the international literature festival berlin (ilb).

In the first part of the evening, we will listen to what many children dream of. Like in the story by Matin Soofipour Omam, in which a child wishes to see the big wide world until the wind actually comes and takes it on its shoulder. Or in "Sansarinaga and the Flying Buffalo" by Jainal Amambing, where a little boy longs for friends and therefore carves a very special buffalo out of a piece of wood. In the second part of the reading night, we experience astonishing changes: In "A tree is a beginning" by Laura Carlin, for example, a bulging bag transforms an entire town. And in "Pokko and the Drum" by Matthew Forsythe, a cheerful parade is created in a quiet forest.

Between the stories, you can also listen to some of Elisabeth Steinkellner's most beautiful poems from "Vom Flaniern und vom Weltspaziern". In the foyer, warm children's punch sweetens the autumnal night.

This content has been machine translated.


Theater an der Parkaue Parkaue 29 10367 Berlin

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