N lives on a railroad line that connects a problem district with the residential area at the other end of the city. Two worlds. N knows both. And a third: the martial arts school where she teaches, prepares for competitions and begins an affair with a politician from the defense committee. Opposites characterize her existence: rich and poor, powerlessness and muscle building, extreme discipline and excessive aggression towards herself.
Together with the Munich actors Katharina Bach and Elias Krischke, Helene Hegemann will read a dramatized version of her new, electrifying novel (Kiepenheuer & Witsch). Afterwards, she will talk to Literaturfest curator Daniel Schreiber about wealth and displacement and about martial arts as a home, outlet and language.
In cooperation with the Münchner Kammerspiele
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ADMISSION: EURO 16.- / 10.- LIVE-STREAMING: Really live, no later retrievability. Links to the streams at www.literaturhaus-muenchen.de, always on the respective event page (click directly, without further access code)
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