Reading: Lena Gorelik, Sophia Merwald, Özge İnan and Annegret Liepold
With art in exchange for donations by Christina S. Zhu and Sofia Nogueira
Admission, buffet and drinks on a donation basis. Proceeds go to @polylux_network to support civil society initiatives in East Germany. Come in droves! 💖
The results of the Bundestag elections have once again shown how strongly right-wing and far-right positions have established themselves in Germany. In a time of division, agitation and the fuelling of enemy stereotypes - especially against refugees, people with a migration background and queer people - we want to create a space of solidarity and cohesion through this reading evening. On the feminist day of struggle, we want to emphasize the importance of standing up as a civil society against violence and discrimination and for equality and the rights and dignity of all.
We can expect a variety of literary readings by Lena Gorelik, Sophia Merwald, Özge İnan and Annegret Liepold. Afterwards, we invite you to an informal get-together with a buffet and a small art exhibition - with works for sale by Christina S. Zhu and Sofia Nogueira.
Admission is on a donation basis. The proceeds from art sales and the donations collected will go to the Polylux e.V. network and support civil society initiatives in East Germany that promote democracy.