Saturday, June 21, 7:30 p.m.
Marion Meier reads from her book
I'm going for a ride: Seemannsbraut auf großer Fahrt
Marion Meier grew up in the house next to the piccolo teatro Haventheater, at Alte Bürger 208. Instead of dream ship: dreaming with ships. This is a book about traveling by ship. No travel guide, no information about places in the big wide world where you can eat, shop and drink cocktails cheaply, no reports about the usual cruise ship singles meetings. Instead, you will meet extraordinary travel guides, curious, adventurous and courageous women who are now between 70 and 90 years old. Sailors' wives who have accompanied their husbands over the last century: To Africa, South America, Australia, India, East Asia, the Caribbean and even more countries and on even more seas. They tell of foreign countries and foreign cultures in a foreign time.
A ticket costs 15 €
Reservation: by phone 0172 214 6597 or e-mail Purchase via