Dmitrij Kapitelman tells the tragic, tender and comical story of a family from Kyiv who sell Russian specialties in Leipzig - and somehow also an Eastern European feeling of togetherness. Until the Russian invasion of Ukraine fundamentally changes the situation for everyone. While the mother stands by Putin, the son, who loves his mother and the Russian language, but no city like Kyiv, despairs. In the middle of the war, he sets off for the Ukraine, as there seems to be no other way to get his mother back from fascism and the crazy Russian television lies.
Dmitrij Kapitelman, born in Kyiv in 1986, came to Germany with his family as a "contingent refugee" at the age of eight. He studied political science and sociology at the University of Leipzig and graduated from the German School of Journalism in Munich. Today he works as a freelance journalist. His first, successful book "Das Lächeln meines unsichtbaren Vaters" (My Invisible Father's Smile) was published in 2016, for which he won the Klaus-Michael Kühne Prize. This was followed in 2021 by "Eine Formalie in Kiew", for which he was awarded the Ravensburger Verlag Foundation's Family Novel Book Prize.
Moderation: Emily Grunert (Head of Literaturbüro NRW)
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