We hoist the flag and set sail. As promised, the margarine union will have competition this year. We're also trying out a new format in March. We start the evening from 9 pm with various workshops to join in. There will be plenty to keep body and soul occupied. As with all our other events, we would like to point out that we want this to be a respectful and non-discriminatory place where everyone is welcome.
Create and Cry Club (acrylic painting) please let us know in advance that there is enough material: Hi@createandcryclub.de
Rising Stars - Pole dance and floor party (movement and dance)
Open drumming session - instruments available, you can also bring your own
For body and soul:
Hall from 11 pm
11pm-1am tba
1-3 o'clock Ova (Stuttgart/Heidelberg) bassy bouncy
3-5 a.m. Valeria (Saarbrücken/Heidelberg) House (Hunter Thompson)
Café from 00 o'clock
Tickets are also available in advance (8€) or at the Box Office (10€). If the ticket price is an obstacle, please contact kontakt@peer23.de by Saturday (March 1, 1 pm) - your financial situation should not prevent you from being with us, we will find a solution!
It goes without saying that we treat each other and peer23 with respect. By the way, we have a "homecoming meeting point" in the courtyard. This is a meeting point for anyone who prefers to cycle home in a group or share a cab.
As everywhere in the non-funded cultural sector, we are struggling with rising costs and falling income and would be happy to receive a higher voluntary donation, which could make a significant contribution to maintaining the work of peer23 e.V.
Greetings from the island
Your peer23 crew
PS. We would also like to remind you that you have to show your ID at the door.
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Price information:
As everywhere in the non-funded cultural sector, we are struggling with rising costs and falling income and would be pleased to receive a voluntary higher donation, which could make a significant contribution to maintaining the work of peer23 e.V.