Since Correctiv's 2023 research, we know that democratic values must be defended every day! In times of political turmoil, in which the liberal democratic values of our society are under attack, more than ever. In the run-up to the federal elections, we are therefore campaigning for our form of society and government. What kind of world do we want to live in and how do we want to live together? This question was not only important for the Bauhaus around 100 years ago. What we want for our coexistence is also central today.
From February 14-24, the Bauhaus Archive invites you to write love letters: to democracy, to a plural and open society.
"Liebe Demokratie, ..." is part of the Bauhaus-Archiv / Museum für Gestaltung's"Haltung üben" series and part of the Federal Agency for Civic Education's Space for Democracy initiative. The project takes place as part of the campaign week "Courageous. Human. Together." campaign week organized by the Hand in Hand alliance, which is supported by Die VIELEN e. V.
Price information:
Free admission during the opening hours of the temporary bauhaus-archiv, Mon.-Sat., 10am-6pm.