PHOTO: © Mohamed Badarne


In the organizer's words:
"Lieben" & "Streiten" - the authors in conversation with moderator Katja Kullmann

This evening is all about the two new books in the Hanser Berlin LEBEN series: "Lieben" by Emilia Roig and "Streiten" by Svenja Flaßpöhler. In conversation with presenter Katja Kullmann, the two authors will introduce their books.

Life is getting more and more complicated, you hear it on every corner, so we are trying ever more desperately to concentrate on the essentials. But what are the essentials?

The Hanser Berlin team finally has the answer to this question with a new series of essays: 10 books on the 10 most important topics in life, written by some of the most interesting German-language authors.

LOVE: Emilia Roig stands for radical change. Whether she is calling for the end of racist oppression or the end of patriarchal marriage, she is driven by a longing for liberation and justice. Loving" is also a plea for more justice, because love should be for everyone. In a patriarchal society, however, romantic love lays claim to all aspects of this form of commitment: desire, jealousy, intimacy, dependence, tenderness. In her first essay, Emilia Roig gives us deep insights into her own biography and revolutionizes our understanding of love: as a transformative energy that connects us not only with our family and friends, but with all people, nature and the cosmos. Her new book is an invitation to more solidarity, empathy and courage.

Emilia Zenzile Roig holds a doctorate in political science, is the founder of the Center for Intersectional Justice (CIJ) and author of the bestsellers "Why We Matter" (2021) and "The End of Marriage" (2023). Roig teaches intersectionality, critical race theory, gender studies and postcolonial studies in Germany, France and the USA.

STREITEN: "So why am I arguing? This book is about that and the question of what arguing means." Svenja Flaßpöhler is known as a feisty person, as someone who likes to take an offensive stance. But she has a completely different experience: that of a child of separation who grew up with the fear of arguments and escalation. In her personal-philosophical essay, she shows that thinking about arguing means, above all, freeing oneself from illusions. An argument is not a discourse free of domination, but is about power: the abyss of destruction is always present as a possibility. At the same time, it is precisely the irreconcilability of conflict that drives us forward and brings about change. A fiery plea for vitality, courage and the Eros of struggle.

Svenja Flaßpöhler has a doctorate in philosophy and is editor-in-chief of Philosophie Magazin. Her #Metoo-critical pamphlet "Die potente Frau. For a new femininity" became a much-discussed bestseller. Most recently, she published "Sensibel. On modern sensitivity and the limits of what is reasonable

"Streiten" and "Lieben" will be published by Hanser Berlin Verlag on 23.09.2024

An event by Literatur LIVE in cooperation with Hanser Berlin, Thalia Buchhandlung and the Renaissance Theater

This content has been machine translated.


Renaissance-Theater Berlin Knesebeckstr. 100 10623 Berlin

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