The Leipzig Book Fair is in the starting blocks and, for the thirteenth time, LitPop will extend the Saturday of the fair into the early hours of Sunday morning. It will bring together more than 2,500 people who are inspired by the printed and spoken word.
On Saturday, March 29, 2025 from 6 p.m., more than 30 authors will take to the four stages in the Kongresshalle am Zoo for the first part of LitPop. The rules of the game are as simple as they are tried and tested: 5 minutes of interviews and 20 minutes of readings make it possible to experience a full cosmos of unique personalities and controversial topics.
And since LitPop has an abundance of controversial topics, the most incredible stories literally crowd the stages of the 10-hour festival. Fundamental issues will be explored, the future with all its hopes and fears negotiated and the zeitgeist defended, but also exposed in its abysses.
To be experienced are: Lara Ermer, Sebastian Fitzek, Gazelle & Gialu @gazelleishername,, Timur Vermes, Nina Poppel @nini_erklaert_politik, Svea Mausolf @sveamaus, Martina Hefter, Hubertus Koch, Jacob Beautemps @breakinglab, Malte Zierden @maltezierden Sally Lisa Starken, Jonas Theresia, Matthias Kreienbrink, Carolin Stüdemann, Laura Wiesböck, Mareice Kaiser, Tim Vollert, Cleo Libro, Dr. med. Dorothee Biener, Rabea Weihser, Johann Scheerer, Caroline Kraft & Elisabeth Wellershaus, Linn Strømsborg, Slinga, Antje Braga & Claudia Tute, Christine Koschmieder and Takis Würger.
The deliberately wild genre mix of science, current affairs, politics, lifestyle and pop-cultural phenomena underlines the fact that the profound and the popular can exist side by side. A mixture that has characterized this unique format since 2008 and ensures a completely sold-out event year after year.
However, as literature does not only play a role in printed books these days, it is also possible to indulge in intensive audio book experiences via headphones. This event is supported by IG Hörbuch and the Börsenverein des Deutschen Buchhandels. Around 11 p.m., while the last stories are being told, space will be made for music acts on the Main Stage and in the foyers. The concert acts and DJs will be announced shortly.
Price information:
Subject to availability.