US bestselling author Liz Moore is a guest in Munich! In her new novel The God of the Forest (published by C.H. Beck), she tells the story of two siblings who disappear in the American wilderness. There are 14 years between the two tragic incidents - and the deterioration of a family. It is August 1975, a summer that will change the lives of many people in the Adirondack Mountains forever.
The God of the Forest has been on the New York Times bestseller list in the USA since its publication, has received numerous rave reviews and has been endorsed by Barack Obama.
In this novel, Liz Moore takes a sharp look at the abysses of social inequality, neglect of wealth and abuse of power, but also celebrates the struggle for female self-determination and the great value of friendship. With The God of the Forest, she has not only written a brilliant thriller, but also a brilliant social novel.
The German voice of the reading is actress Anuschka Tochtermann, the moderator is journalist Günter Keil.
Organizer: Stiftung Bayerisches Amerikahaus, Verlag C.H. Beck
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