They are real stars on social media: men who stare at the water! No channel in Germany is growing faster than that of these two jokers! Now the gentlemen of jokes, the water watchers of the first hour, are finally coming to the stage live and in color! On Thursday, December 4, 2025, the two northern lights with the dry humor will perform live in the Weststadthalle Essen.
Someone has probably already seen them on Instagram or TikTok while they are sitting at the harbor, a cup in their hand, trying to make each other laugh with their jokes in a relaxed and dry way! We are of course talking about Nico and Joschka, the two-legged joke machines and undisputed rulers of TikTok and Instagram flat jokes. Their story? Well, they've cranked it up from 150 Instagram followers in October 2022 to an astronomical 500,000. And TikTok? They've also pumped up their 300 followers to an impressive 750,000!
Now it gets even better: they're taking their jokes to the live stage! And for anyone lucky enough to snag one of the coveted tickets, it's going to be a feast for the eyes, because these two can definitely do more than just tell jokes!
"Men who stare at the water! Live!" Now they're going on a big ride! Get ready for a tidal wave of humor!
Price information:
plus fees