The comedian, singer and bestselling author Martina Brandl is now a mistress. That's why she does female cabaret. It's like women's cabaret, only more irrelevant. But it's great fun. So much so that her texts appear in the Frankfurter Rundschau and she has her own dog column.
If you've always wanted to know what a fish sandwich thinks, what a highway bridge prefers to talk about, why learning from a dog means learning to lie and what ticks write on their protest signs, then go to this show. It's funny. But in 30 years on stage, she hasn't learned to keep up with the comedy mainstream. Sometimes she tears herself away and sinks unrestrainedly into bittersweet melancholy, only to hit the bullshit again immediately afterwards. Martin Rosengarten provides fine arrangements for piano, trombone, ukulele and thelevi and makes his debut as a dialog partner in quirky interviews in which a food moth and a lighthouse, among others, have their say. Not a dog program, but there is a bit of poodle in it. Because everything is so much cuter with a cute little dog on your lap. Unless it has just rolled in cow dung.
Martina Brandl reading, stand-up, vocals, ukulele, thelevi
Martin Rosengarten piano, trombone, ukulele, sampler
Martina Brandl is a cabaret artist, musician and writer. Her novels "Halbnackte Bauarbeiter", "Glatte runde Dinger" and "Schwarze Orangen" are bestsellers. She writes regularly for the Frankfurter Rundschau and is a columnist for "Das Magazin". She tours Germany, Austria and Switzerland with her solo programs, appears on television and runs the podcast "Drückste mal record?" with composer Martin Rosengarten.
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