Imagine a campsite in the middle of the city - full of stories, secrets and unexpected encounters. "My friendship is a tent" is a special theater installation in the inner courtyard of the PATHOS Theater. Together with the Community Theater Initiative Ausstellungspark, a class from the middle school on Ridlerstrasse brings the many facets of friendship to life in a playful way. Each tent holds its own adventure and tells of fun and conflict, reconciliation and solidarity. The result is an ephemeral world that invites you to empathize, think and help shape it.
Concept and realization Initiative Ausstellungspark | With Angelika Krautzberger, Judith Huber, Christoph Theussl | Set design Julia Ströder | Video technology Lionel Dante Dzaack | Artistic production management Lisa Risch, Rat & Tat Kulturbüro
The community theater "Initiative Ausstellungspark" has been bringing together a wide variety of actors in various artistic formats since 2014. At the interface of theater, music and visual arts, our projects arise from the pleasurable clash of theoretical questions and performative material experiments. We always think artistic quality and participatory authorship together. "Initiative Ausstellungspark" are Judith Huber and Angelika Krautzberger, who both have many years of experience in the development of independent projects for adults and children.
Date: 16.05. | 16:00
Duration: variable
Location: PATHOS theater Hof
Tickets: Pay as you wish (0-30 €)
Supported by the program tanz+theater machen stark, as part of the federal program "Kultur macht stark - Bündnisse für Bildung"