In times of the frantic dissolution of normal work, the week is little more than a toothless beaver sucking on our basic need for distraction. midi is the pioneer plant on the scree field formed by the rubble of the working week. midi is a public holiday. midi is a working day. midi doesn't care. midi is your afterhour. midi is your start to the weekend. midi doesn't care! midi is afterwork for the unemployed. midi is Sabbath for the self-employed. midi doesn't care. midi is free time is work is midi. midi is Wednesday disco, every two weeks in the GrooveStation, everything else doesn't matter to midi.
Midi is a bi-weekly party at GrooveStation Dresden with a surprising DJ line-up. Residents are Alphonsine Koh, Acid Adams, Flexible Heart, Marcel Koar and Rob/nson.
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