MIKE & AYDIN: A Brit and a Turk, a dissimilar pairing, playfully discuss the pros and cons of a modern Europe with all its clichés, prejudices and poliKcal incorrectness. Aydin's homeland wants in, Mike's is already out! Two opposites forming the perfect backdrop for a rip-roaring comedy. Get ready for a jamboree of sketch comedy, musical interludes and a whole load of fricKon but most importantly: LAUGHS and FUN! In English.
Award-winning comedians Mike McAlpine and Aydin Isik formed the duo Mike & Aydin in 2014 and they just keep going from strength to strength. The two actors, based in Leverkusen and Cologne, are recipients of several awards, including the Melsunger KabareBpreis. Mike & Aydin have collaborated on numerous projects throughout the years, including "JahresrückBla...Bla" (six reviews shows so far) and "Hotel Happy German". You may know Aydin from the comedy group "5 auf einen Streich" or with his award-winning solo act ("Ehrlich gesagt", "Bevor der Messias Kommt") or Mike from a variety of English Theatre Düsseldorf producKons ("The Messiah", "EducaKng Rita", "The Odd Couple") or his solo "A Slice of Elvis".
Price information:
20,00 € / 15,00 € reduced Free choice of seats.