"GOLDBERG DREAMS. A SURREALISTIC BACH HOMMAGE" for flute, percussion and piano as part of the 100th anniversary of the Munich Bach Festival.
Enjott Schneider, Dorothea Hofmann (HMTM Munich) and Stefan Blum (LMC Augsburg) composed on seven Goldberg Variations by Johann Sebastian Bach! Based on the anecdote that he wrote this variation cycle as "music to fall asleep to" for the sleepless nights of the Russian envoy Count Hermann Carl von Keyserlingk, the composers composed surreal night and dream moods as free associations. The framing Bach originals round off these nocturnal events to create an exciting whole.
With: Enjott Schneider (comp), Dorothea Hofmann (comp, p), Stefan Blum
(comp, perc), Agnes Mayr (fl), Carlo M. Barile (p)
Price information:
Discounts for pupils, students, senior citizens aged 67 and over, people with disabilities.