New Wave Party feat. Kai Hawaii & mr.freeze
80s Feeling I Dark Wave I Electro
Start 22.00 hrs
We are extremely proud that we have been able to win none other than the DJ legend Kai Hawaii from Hanover for our Wave Party.
Kai Hawaii (SubKultur Hannover) is one of the most famous DJs in the black scene. Not to be confused with the frontman of the NDW band "Extrabreit" of the same name.
His DJ career began in 1983 in the "Palace" (Hanover). As early as 1989, he was already presenting shows for radio ffn and working with Ecki Stieg on the radio ffn "Grenzwellen".
During this time, he also lent his voice to the comedy troupe "Frühstyxradio", consisting of Oliver Kalkofe and Dietmar Wischmeyer.
At the same time, he continued to DJ successfully in various clubs and at major festivals, including the Wave Gotik
Treffen in Leipzig.
From 1990, he continued to DJ at the Index discotheque.
At the same time, he established the "Festival of Darkness (1-5)" and the "New Wave Night" in the Music Hall Hannover.
After the turn of the millennium, he released the hit "Push" with Ravelab and later the New Wave ballad "Für Dich" as a duet with Marian Gold from Alphaville.
From 2002 to 2012, Kai Hawaii was part of the organizing team at the Secret Garden Festivals 1-6.
From 2003 to 2009 he was a DJ at Capitol Hannover and from 2010 to 2015 he was a DJ at ENGEL 07.
Since 2018, Kai Hawaii has been organizing his "New Wave Party" at SubKultur - which is certainly a highlight for many fans of the scene.