PHOTO: © Unsplash: Christian Ruehmer


You cannot miss this event.
In the organizer's words:

Play with pop music based on the film by F. W. Murnau

By Christoph Diem and Holger Schröder,

Music by Pär Hagström

World premiere

Count Orlok wants to buy a property in Wismar and in order to make the purchase contract clear, the estate agent Knock sends his young employee Hutter to Transylvania. There he is received in Orlok's castle and bitten. Orlok sees a medallion with a portrait of Hutter's wife Ellen - and signs the purchase contract immediately. He packs his traveling coffin full of contaminated earth and embarks for Wismar. None of the sailors survive Orlok's passage, but plenty of rats do, bringing the plague to Wismar. As the town gradually depopulates, Hutter's wife learns that only she - and only by sacrificing herself - can put an end to Orlok's haunting.

Friedrich Murnau and his screenwriter Henrik Galeen adapted Bram Stoker's Dracula novel in their film "Nosferatu". The name and the entire setting were invented by the graphic artist, set designer and Satanist (!) Albin Grau, who, as the producer of Murnau's film, suffered a major shipwreck because Bram Stoker's widow wanted all copies to be scrapped. But he still exists, the Nosferatu. A fabulous undead, an iconic film, a masterpiece of both surrealism and expressionism. His fable of plague, sexuality and social decomposition is truly immortal.

The Diem/Hagström/Barth/Schröder team stands for cinematic adaptations as a hybrid of live pop concert (Next Stop: Horizon), video installation and drama theater: "Wenn die Gondeln Trauer tragen" and "City Lights" were shown here. Now comes "Nosferatu", a gruesome homage to a homage to a homage ...

Duration of performance: 1 h 30 min

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Staatstheater Braunschweig Am Theater 38100 Braunschweig