PHOTO: © Ochmoneks

Ochmoneks und 33RPM

In the organizer's words:

News from Ochmoneks: Two and a half years after the release of their third studio album "Gegenwind", "Unbesiegbar" is the first forerunner of the fourth studio album announced for 2024. At the same time, the Düsseldorfers are announcing the German tour of the same name. "We've been working towards this for a long time and have now finally got our first tour off the ground. We'll be visiting all corners of the country and are looking forward to some intense evenings," the band announces.

Ochmoneks stand for pure energy. Whether on stage or from the speakers: the punk rock/German rock band, founded in 2015, impresses with driving riffs, authentic German lyrics and catchy hooklines. Even though the Ochmoneks do not describe themselves as a political band, they always take a clear stance and take a stand on major contemporary issues. The Ochmoneks make a statement for everyone who appreciates music without preconceived categories and genre boundaries. If you listen closely, you will notice that German rock, punk rock, pop and singer/songwriter sounds are by no means mutually exclusive, but rather complement each other to create a big, colorful rock 'n' roll firework.

33RPM believe in punk rock, ska and cohesion. Ändi and Danny had known each other for years from their old band and founded the 33RPM punk rock show in 2021. Leon and Tschögi joined the newly founded "Kommune". With their own songs and covers of bands such as Broilers, they are on a mission: "Against division, against hate and not just on the side!" Their first studio album "'nen Scheiss muss ich" was released on 17.11.2023.

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LUX Schwarzer Bär 2 30449 Hannover

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