Andrea Tompa's novel "SOKSZOR NEM HALUNK MEG" (Engl: "OFT STERBEN WIR NICHT") begins in 1944 in Kolozsvár (now Cluj-Napoca in Romania) at the time of ghettoization and ends in the early 1990s in Transylvania after the fall of the dictatorship. The story centers on a woman who, as a child, is entrusted to a Hungarian couple by her Jewish mother in order to be saved from deportation. She grows up under a new name and becomes an actress. It is only through theater work that she finds access to her own identity. The search for herself, both on stage and in everyday life, accompanies her throughout her life.
With her production, Ildikó Gáspárs seeks to break through the silence and silencing by confronting the past in a linguistically and identitarian multi-layered sphere of history.