Ü29 HipHop & RnB Party
Saturday 19.04.2025
Start 23:00
with DJ CEM
DJ CEM has been throwing the OLDSCHOOL party since 2014, back then at Subway, now at Veedel Club since 2017. For all old-school fans, Trap-not-understanders and Jiggy DanceMoves experts together with PeteHair, Cem plays the HipHop and RnB sound of the 90s and 00s.
ADMISSION FROM 29 years. We control the
What is OLDSCHOOL about?
I'm having a party at VEEDEL CLUB on Saturday. Nothing special at first, but the what and why all the more so. After more than 15 years of DJing, there's now a not insignificant group of guys and girls who used to go to the many Thursday Beatpackers parties years ago, but now no longer go out during the week because of such useless things as work and family.
And even at the weekend, it's difficult to get in line because people who are probably in their mid-twenties don't want to look at bodies that are clearly too fresh for them
Yes, I'm talking about a popularly known over-30s party. The term is traditionally associated with decay, Helene Fischer and incomprehensible outfits.
In this case, it's more of a party with people who were just as cool 10 years ago as they are now, and who love the "good old" rap & RnB sound just like we do. Well, at 28 you have a different idea of a party than at 18. And so does someone who has a 3 or 4 in front.
And that's exactly why I started this party in 2014 - for people who have always had an alternative taste in music. But what do you do when you're in your mid-30s or more if you want to have a drink and don't want to be asked to pick up your daughter? Or stalk other people's daughters
So, that's enough babbling. Anyone who secretly buys Nivea Q10 cream should feel addressed now
See you around