Gender is more than man or woman
What can I expect?
In this workshop, we will tackle the myth of binary gender and take a closer look at the diversity of gender. We will clarify basic terms such as cis, trans, inter, queer and non-binary and discuss what gender diversity and self-determination mean for all of us. We will also discuss how we can deal with gender diversity respectfully and sensitively in our everyday (professional) lives. Participants can bring in their own questions and the focus is on a trusting and appreciative exchange.
Who is it for?
The workshop is aimed at anyone who wants to get to grips with the topic of gender diversity - regardless of whether they are new to the topic or want to deepen their knowledge.
Why should I take part?
The idea of gender shapes our society and the way we live together. In the workshop, you will learn how to question common myths and use terms confidently. You will be given suggestions on how you can develop a sensitive and respectful attitude when dealing with gender diversity - both in a private and professional context.
With whom?
Both work in non-profit contexts and have extensive experience in educational work. You can look forward to practical input and an open exchange.
Price information:
10 €/ 5 € reduced