In the organizer's words:

Open Air Cinema: ON THE WAY

After a wild night of partying, writer and adventurer Pierre (Jean Dujardin) falls off a balcony while drunk and injures himself badly. Barely out of his coma, he decides to cross France on foot, against the advice of his doctors and family. Pierre's journey begins in the south in Provence. He hikes 1,300 km through untouched nature and along hidden paths to the coast of Normandy. Along the way, he makes chance acquaintances and walks part of the way with his best friend Arnaud (Jonathan Zaccaï) and his younger sister Céline (Izïa Higelin). Step by step, he finds his way to himself through his confrontation with nature, his body and his encounters.

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Cinenova Open-Air Kino Herbrandstraße 11 50825 Köln

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