We'll keep it short and sweet - after all, who has time these days for lengthy descriptions of extravagant events? Or do you? Very good: The fact is, we deliver many types of debauchery: debauchery, digression, horsey debauchery, starry debauchery... Well, to cut a long story short: We have music. Specifically, from three artists (groups). If you're looking for a specific genre, then you're probably wrong. Or maybe not. Because we are open-minded. The main thing is that it's great. Maybe somehow punky. But maybe not. It's probably more about the content. Or the position. It's all about OPTIMAL SMALL ART SHIT.
And while we're on the subject - that doesn't just include music, of course. By definition, cabaret only means that there is no big stage. Check! Whether that means music, theater or a reading remains to be seen. But - and this much can be revealed - we certainly focus on music. But not only.
If that's too vague for you now, you should definitely come along so that you can't say afterwards "Yes, I would have known that, what a bummer, now I've missed it." That would be stupid for you. So you'd damn well better come along.
From 8 pm until the end - as long as you're up for it. There'll be plenty of bottled beer and canned music from TILIA GLITTER at the end.
Oh yes, and money - the nasty money. OPTIMAL KLEINKUNSTSCHEISS is many things, but definitely not a profit event. That's why there will be a variable and not too high entrance fee. At the entrance you can really go crazy on the wheel of fortune. To relieve you of the burden of deciding on the appropriate amount. Or you can simply donate a little money so that everyone involved can at least recoup their costs. Because cabaret is not possible without great guests who appreciate it. And we will definitely pass everything on to the performing artists!
We're looking forward to seeing familiar and unfamiliar faces and a fun evening with you celebrating the best cabaret shit!
We are CONSENS. Stable German punk from Munich and Augsburg - right in your face! Critical, political, feminist! Have you ever thought about how much better this world would be if we lived without patriarchy? How nice it would be to ride the subway without spread legs? How much fairer everything would be without perpetrator-victim reversal? These questions don't move conservative whirlwinds, but they do move the three-piece band. While one lyric angrily questions their own realities of life, the next song peppers the hard truth onto the misogynists' heads. The audience is presented with punk that is easy to pogo to, garnished with off-beat and three-four time. With powerful lyrics, power chords and driving drums, we invite them to escalate to macker-despising underground music. Let's smash the cistem! (Source: Bandinfo)
TRANNARCHY aka. the fatherless and illegitimate child of "Nirvana" and the anarcho-noise scene, who just wants to freak out on stage. Sometimes melancholically depressive and sometimes aggressively pissed off about depression, opression and whatever else. Being trans is just enough character development to make good music about social problems. At least something. (Source: band info)
KRAFUNKEL (they/them) makes QueerFolkPunk in Dachau and the surrounding area. Musically between "Pat the Bunny" and "Chumbawamba", lyrically between life and survival. For bizarre minorities and secondary contradictions. (Source: Organizer)
GARAM SALAMI: Artist. Author. Comedian. Historian. Nuclear physicist. Unemployed. (Source: Artist info)
Concert location: Feierwerk Sunny Red
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Is won on the wheel of fortune