The four-master PEKING was active in the saltpetre trade from 1911 to 1932. Saltpetre is a raw material that was brought from the Atacama Desert in Chile to Hamburg, where it was processed into fertilizers, paints and explosives. While the raw material was a profitable business for some people, it was also linked to processes of exploitation. On the first Sunday of every month, this tour provides information about Hamburg's (post-)colonial past, present and the people involved. From working conditions on board and in the saltpetre mines to the story(s) of Hamburg merchants, the museum ship PEKING aims to tell history in a variety of ways.
This content has been machine translated.Price information:
Full paying persons: 15€ - Reduced admission: 13€ - Children up to 17 years: free of charge - A maximum of 15 people can take part in the tour. Further information can be found on the website of the German Harbor Museum.