In the organizer's words:

Over the past few months, choreographer Kathrin Knöpfle and her team have been working on the performance "Naturkreislauf" with 15 amateur dancers aged 50 and over. The title is both the theme and the location, as the piece is a continuous dance along the path through Sendlinger Südpark. Clearings, mounds of moss, primeval trees, long branches and rustling twigs form the framework for various scenes. An oversized bird's nest, an installation from last year's Nature Art Biennale in Südpark, also serves as a backdrop for a performance.

Kathrin Knöpfle's team includes artist Lore Galitz, who instructed the performers on how to work artistically with the material from the forest. Musician Ardhi Engl provides a sonorous backdrop to the performance with instruments, some of which he built himself, and performer and singer Urte Gudian, who also provided choreographic support for the rehearsal process, accompanies individual scenes with singing and rhythm.

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Sendlinger Wald / Südpark München

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