Admission 18:00, start 20:00.
Dear people, dear improv fans!
Your open stage for playing and watching is back - at the legendary Pitcher! Phönixallee - Düsseldorf's first improv theater cordially invites you to the Pitcher*Impro-Theater-Session!
To play along and/or watch.
Always according to the motto: Everyone can, no one has to play along
Admission VVK: 6 Euro
Box Office: € 8
Reduced (students): € 5,-
Directly in Friedrichstadt, best connection to public transportation - Düsseldorf S-Bahn Friedrichstadt (S8, S11, S28) - streetcar line 701, 707, 704 stop Morsestr.
Price information:
VVK 6,00 B.O. 8,00 reduced 5,00