PHOTO: © (C) Passarge

Premierenlesung: Michael Broemmel „Das Geflecht – ein Bremerhaven-Krimi“

In the organizer's words:

A corpse at the mouth of the Geese. Chief Inspector Oliver Schweers wants to get away from Bonn. His secret love has chosen someone else. The problems with his eternally level-headed, right-wing nationalist father are taking their toll. He applies for a vacancy in Bremerhaven, a city he has never been to before. On his first day at work, he is called to a corpse, the co-owner of a casino. The main suspect, who comes into the police's sights, is a customs officer and unusually often wins in the victim's casino.

In the course of the investigation, a clergyman turns up who has just moved to Bremerhaven with his family and taken up the post of pastor at the seamen's mission. There are indications that the pastor has known the main suspect for some time. The two seem to be connected by an incident in the past. The case gains momentum when another body is found on a Saturday. Searches of the dead woman's home and office provide clues that make a connection between the two murders likely. This is Chief Inspector Schweers' first case in Bremerhaven, a city he soon grows to like.

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Stadtbibliothek Bremerhaven Bürgermeister-Smidt-Straße 10 27568 Bremerhaven

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