In the organizer's words:


Are you joining Cologne Pride on Sunday as a foot group or on a float, or are you just out and about with your friends?
Then let us bless you for this wild and exciting day!
Pastor Janneke Botta and the Queer Church team will welcome you at St. Johannes Church in Deutz, just around the corner from the line-up, and give you glitter and blessings for your day at Pride!

The Queer Church itself will also be walking in the parade, so feel free to contact us to walk with us spontaneously.

Sunday, July 21, 2024, 11:00 a.m.
St. Johannes Church, Tempelstraße 31, 50679 Cologne

This content has been machine translated.


Köln-Deutz Köln

Organizer | Party Series

Queere Kirche Köln
Queere Kirche Köln Tempelstr. 29 50679 Köln

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