Curtain up for Helena! Named after the most beautiful woman of antiquity! But unfortunately Helena had to hide for a long time, deny herself and make herself as invisible as possible. Instead, she had Tom, who tried to sort things out for her in the world by being her image to the outside world and thus keeping her alive. A complicated construction to exist in the world. And not just complicated, but sickening, when the male body knows that it is a woman, but the environment stiffly and firmly and with little understanding refuses to accept it. And so Helena's path is one that is full of explicit hostility, phobias, rejection, sexualized and transphobic violence. But it is a path that Helena has taken with Tom.
Following conversations with people from the LGBTQIA+ community and based on a biography, Philipp Löhle has written a play in which he uses many theatrical means, a large portion of humor and just as much affection to tell the story of coming out to oneself and society and a transition, inviting people to live together respectfully and peacefully.