Manifestos for our future - An audio installation
by Action Hero
The "Rebel Resistors Radio Club" is a secret, analog, global network of girls who are preparing for their future! Over the course of a week, the Recklinghausen members of the RRRC will write manifestos in which they record their visions of the future and build their own analog radios. At the end of the week, the manifestos created will be heard in an installation in the Ruhrfestspielhaus and broadcast to the world via radios. Although analog radio seems outdated in a digital world, the RRRC believes it is the communication method of the future: self-built, crisis-proof and ready for a (possible?) post-digital world. Led by Gemma Paintin, co-founder of UK group Action Hero, the Rebel Resistors Radio Club invites the young women of tomorrow to use their voices and think about how they will shape the world they will inherit from adults. Come and tune in!