Reichsstädtische Macht in Kupfer

In the organizer's words:

The portraits of Augsburg's town clerks from 1548 to 1806

Exactly 400 years ago, in time for the completion in 1624 of the furnishing of the town hall, which was finished by Elias Holl in 1620, the first series of pictures of Augsburg's town clerks was published in spring. In a thin booklet, published by and at the expense of the important Augsburg engraver Lukas Kilian, the town bailiffs in office since 1548 were presented with elaborate portraits and short biographies. The office of the town bailiff at that time corresponds to that of a mayor today.

The virtual, copper-engraved picture gallery of the personalities guiding the fate of Augsburg was republished several times and developed into a kind of scrapbook from the 1657 edition onwards. Until the end of the imperial city, portraits of the newly elected city governors were repeatedly added to it. There are 43 portraits in total.

This highly sophisticated work of art and city history presents itself as a kaleidoscope of the internationally renowned Augsburg engravers of the time. In addition to the members of the Kilian family, Elias Hainzelmann, the Klauber brothers and others also contributed over the years.

"Imperial City Power in Copper" presents all the portraits as well as the majority of the book editions in this collection, the only verifiable drawn model to date and several original copper plates.

The exhibition is being held in cooperation with the Augsburg State and City Library.

We cordially invite all interested parties to the opening on Tuesday, June 11, 2024 at 6 pm!

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Grafisches Kabinett Maximilianstraße 48 86150 Augsburg