PHOTO: © Unsplash: Aaina Sharma

Reise ins Ungewisse. Einblicke in die Welt des Surrealismus.

In the organizer's words:

Works from the Helmut Klewan Collection (Munich) supplemented by works from the Frank Brabant (Wiesbaden) and Henning (Halle/Saale) collections as well as from the Pomeranian State Museum, Greifswald and other collections

One hundred years ago, on October 15, 1924, André Breton, then 28 years old, published his Surrealist Manifesto. With it, he created a new cultural revolutionary movement whose ideas and practices still have an impact on art and society today.

Influenced by the violence and traumatic experiences of the First World War, the Surrealists began to question the existing system and the traditional and rational thought patterns associated with it. Among other things, they drew on Sigmund Freud's psychoanalysis and interpretation of dreams: the unknown, the unconsciously hidden and the non-rationally accessible. The aim was to free life and thought from the familiar shackles and to expand the madness, the nonsensical, the irrational into an absolute reality. This provocative and at the same time radical break with structural constraints and bourgeois conventions was intended to restructure the entire social system, which had come under threat, and encourage people to rethink.

A century later, we find ourselves in a similar situation. In a phase of upheaval and great unrest, we are confronted with a new reality, a "turning point" that needs to be explained. Social and political instability, profound crises, dynamic change and the associated uncertainty about the future are undermining our system of values and shaking our understanding of the world.

The exhibition, which is divided into various complexes, shows works by the classics of Surrealism such as Giorgio de Chirico, René Magritte, Max Ernst, Salvador Dalí, Hans Bellmer and Man Ray, but also German Surrealists of the interwar period and the post-war period in West Germany, including works by Edgar Ende and Rudolf Schlichter. Another aspect of the exhibition focuses on so-called "Fantastic Surrealism" and the representatives of the "Viennese School of Fantastic Realism", including Rudolf Hausner.

In addition, the exhibition examines surrealist art and surrealist tendencies in the former socialist countries of Eastern and South-Eastern Europe and in the GDR.

Rarely shown portraits and self-portraits of the most important protagonists of "classical surrealism" complete the exhibition.

The exhibition presents 59 artists with 153 works of painting, graphic art, sculpture and photography.

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Price information:

8 Euro exhibition and rock garden (weather permitting), 6 Euro reduced admission


KUNSTHALLE "Talstrasse" Talstraße 23 06120 Halle (Saale)