PHOTO: © Leihen & Teilen Köln e.V.

Repaircafé der LeihBar Köln

In the organizer's words:

All too often, things are disposed of far too quickly. Whether the toaster breaks down or the floor lamp remains dark - often objects only need a small repair or can be repaired with a little know-how.

In our Repair Café, you will be supported on site in giving broken items a second life. This extends the life of everyday objects and avoids waste.

The Repair Café is made possible by the cooperation between LeihBar Köln and the Mülheim district library as well as the commitment of the Reparatur Café Köln-Dellbrück and its Cologne stakeholders.

In this way, we contribute to the sustainable use of valuable resources and at the same time offer a place where people can learn from each other.

Participation is free of charge. Registration is not required. Please note that we only repair things ourselves. We do not offer repair services, but we do provide support with repairs.

This content has been machine translated.

Price information:

Free of charge + without registration


Stadtteilbibliothek Mühlheim Wiener Platz 2A 51065 Köln


Leihbar Köln Köln