Sex workers are a marginalized group who cannot rely on the police for protection. Sex workers are also dependent on mutual protection and solidarity due to regressive laws. But what exactly does that look like? How are the communities structured? And above all: what can non-sex workers learn from this? How do we create safety when we cannot rely on the state? What abolitionist practices are established by sex workers? How can we break with prejudices against sex work and what does criticism of the police have to do with all of this?
Following the panel discussion with Tamara Solidor, Chris Schmacht, Ferdinand Krista & Lou'der, the night will escalate with drag by Chichi Glitch, a live performance by Bleached Block and various DJs. There'll also be candles from Streetheat & soli-drinks.
Content warning: Depiction of experiences of discrimination and oppression. Access to the event is therefore only possible from the age of 18.
Price information:
Donations are requested :)