R.I.P. – Die letzte Adresse // Tod und Bestattungskultur in Leipzig

In the organizer's words:

A museum of urban history is mainly concerned with the people and their actions in the past - but rarely with what comes afterwards. In the exhibition "R.I.P. - The last address. Death and Burial in Leipzig" is the first to focus on the "afterlife".

Today, death is widely regarded as the most taboo subject for modern people. It tends to be perceived as an imposition that people don't want to think about. For thousands of years, however, dying was considered a natural part of life. People consciously prepared for it, surrounded it with their own rituals, equipment and music, said goodbye to the dying, accompanied their passing and maintained an invisible bond of togetherness even after their death. The exhibition will look at a number of aspects surrounding this sensitive topic.

As was generally the case in Christian Europe, the churches in Leipzig played the most important role in burial for centuries. Later, a variety of associations and institutions developed that were dedicated to this aspect of life. Where in the city and, above all, how did previous generations find their final resting place? What was it like in the past for members of other religions - and what is it like today?

Come with us on this journey of discovery, which presents astonishing, surprising and by no means only sad facts. After all, humor helps to make the unbearable more bearable, especially in the greatest horror.

This content has been machine translated.

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