The stand-up comedy show "Schloss mit lustig" not only features a premium line-up, the show takes place in the left wing of Charlottenburg Palace! Treat yourself to the elegant atmosphere of the "Orangerie", a fine drink from the bar while some of the best comedians in the city "conquer" the stage. The perfect setting for an evening of guaranteed laughter and a short escape from everyday life - with lots of comedy.
👉🏻 Get your tickets here and be there in Berlin's most beautiful castle.
🧡 We are looking forward to seeing you
🎉 SHOWTIME: 20:15 🎉
Admission to the foyer is at 19:30
"ORANGERIE" - (Spandauer Damm 22 14059 Berlin, Charlottenburg )
This magnificent location, once the retreat of Prussian kings, opens its doors for a unique comedy show. Of course, there is also a bar offering the right drinks and snacks. Whether selected long drinks, aromatic wines or cool beers - there is something for every taste.
We and the "Orangerie "Charlottenburg are looking forward to seeing you.
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