On Thursday we will be open again before the reopening in April, as part of the series "Science goes Pub(lic)" we will be open from 6 pm, open until 2 am,
the event runs from about 8:30 pm (punctual start) to about 9:30 pm.
Unfortunately no reservations on the evening, we ask interested parties to arrive on time!
Green hydrogen - Are we there yet?
Kevin Schalk | Fraunhofer Institute for Wind Energy Systems IWES
Thursday, March 27
20:30 | Gastfeld | Bremen
Not so long ago, there was a lot of hype and big promises surrounding green hydrogen. Produced from renewable energies, it was seen as a panacea for the energy transition. Things are quieter in the media now. But what remains of the hype? How close are we really to achieving the goals?
Experiences from the operation of the electrolyser test field in Bremerhaven show a complex picture with hurdles in unexpected places - a stocktaking with anecdotes from everyday research.
Gastfeldstraße 67
28201 Bremen
Line 26, 27: Meyerstrasse